On March 6th, 2013 Senator Rand Paul began a 13 hour filibuster forcing the Obama Administration to clearly explain their stance regarding drone strikes. Paul demanded they answer the question does the President think he has the authority to kill non-combatant Americans on US soil with drones? Meanwhile, Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham were eating dinner with President Obama.
The next morning both McCain and Graham demonstrated their disdain for the filibuster, speaking on the Senate floor. Of Senator Paul’s filibuster Graham said “cheapens the debate” and “I find the question offensive,” and “I do not believe that question deserves an answer”.
For many Tea Party and Liberty movement conservatives Sen. Graham went too far and they are ready to do whatever they can to end his political career.
Dustin Stockton of WesternPac and national organizer of Day of Resistance Rallies tweeted ‘considering catching a plane to SC and not leaving until we have a candidate to defeat@GrahamBlog #StandWithRand‘
There is a Primary Lindsey facebook page dedicated to replacing the Senator in 2014 primary. Their mission statement on the about page it simply says “Stop Lindsey” . A google search revealed that the domain called PrimaryGraham.com was purchased on March, 8th 2013.
On twitter the hash tags #primarylindsey and #primarygraham are beginning to blow up.
Video of John McCain and Lindsey Graham on the Senate floor: